Back To The Ancient-Path

The Right-Brain-HEART


Online Learning

Recorded Teachings, Syllabus,
Meditations, Applications


80+ Insights

From Ancient-Hebrew, Nature,
Science, Education, and more



With Support


You have not remotely achieved Your-BEST!
You were meant to ROAR and SOAR. And Deep Inside YOU, You KNOW It.

Then why is this not our daily experience?

Why are so many issues out of control?

Why do we struggle in our schools, our jobs, our relationships, our health?

Why are Our-HEARTS impoverished and Our-Spirits starved?

Something essential is missing,
because we have been looking in the wrong places for centuries . . .

We know the word “HEART”, but we have lost its meaning for centuries.

As a result, we walk in “shadowland”
where we confuse Definition with Meaning,
and Intellectual Concepts with Genuine Experience.

It means we have to Start-Over! We Found The-Missing-Piece!

More than 3000 years ago the wise king Solomon said:

“Watch over your Heart with ALL diligence,
for from it flow ALL the issues of Life.”

(Prov. 4:23)

Ancient-Hebrew teaches with Wisdom-Words:
“The-HEART of the FOOL to The-Left, The-HEART of The-WISE to the Right.”

Ancient-Hebrew  reveals with Wisdom-IMAGE:
The-OX on The-LEFT . . . The-LION on The-RIGHT . . .

Thousands of years later, science is catching up with the discovery that the left and right brain are not identical twins! And more important . . .

The characteristics of the Right-Brain
MATCH the Ancient-HEART!!!

Ancient-Hebrew is written from the view of a farming culture.

The-Strong-OX on The-LEFT symbolizes the Outer Soul/Body Man, strong, consistent, and methodical, executing the plan that The-LION envisioned.

The-OX is the primary symbol for work, service, and productivity.


The-Majestic-LION on The-RIGHT symbolizes the Inner-Spirit-Man, the source of ALL genius, creativity, and dominion.

The-LION is the primary symbol for rule, leadership, and monarchy. 

The-OX-Trained Adults in our lives trained us to think like and OX and ignored, suppressed and ridiculed The-LION-Genius, even locked The-LION in a cage, and lost the keys.

Eventually The-OXEN forgot about The-LION’S existence.

The Rediscovery of The-HEART is The-Key to Being Your-BEST in ALL the Issues of Life.

It allows us to find “The-Ancient-Path” that leads us back to the “Homeland of Our-HEARTS,” where we can live a different kind of life, where Learning, Creativity, and Empowering Others becomes the Passion of Our-Lives.

It is only possible by Releasing The-LION Genius,
locked in a cage, deep in Your-HEART.

The-Ancient-Path enables us to Restore The-Vision Of Our-Future:

The Releasing The-LION Insights explore a variety of topics,
Each adding their unique point of view to The-BIG-Picture

Hebrew Treasures



Spiritual Wisdom

Authentic Meditation

Genius Learning 

The Eyes of

Peak Performance

& Welness

Restoring Relationships

Arts &

Leadership & Empowerment

Claim Your-Birthright to be free from Left-Brain-OX Domination!

Over 60 Treasures from the Releasing The-LION Curriculum are the roadmap on your journey into freedom.

The foundation for building “The-LION’S Life” where you can start to Roar and Soar.

We support Your-LION by creating the environment where these insights can germinate, one life-changing seed after the other.

Feel The-Vision of Your-Future Stirring in Your-HEART.

Listen to the Roar of Your-Awakening-LION . . .
It’s time to turn it lose.


Choose LEFT

Thanks, I Prefer To Stay In My-Cage

Choose RIGHT

Yes, I Want To Release My-LION

LION-Hearted Roars From World Renowned Leaders:

“My friend, Larry Napier is one of the wisest, most brilliant, most articulate men I have ever known.
The future he describes will ‘Change The World.‘”  

Mark Victor Hansen

Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Series - 500,000,000 copies sold

When Bob Proctor heard The Rediscovery of The-HEART Seminar he said: This Is The Best.” and asked Larry to edit his “You Were Born Rich” book.

Bob Proctor

Author/Lecturer, "The Secret's" Chief Spokesman - more than 35 million copies sold

“During my 30 years of association with the best visionary leaders, legends of training and living-examples of inspiration – Larry Napier represents the apex. Larry’s break-through insights on ‘The Heart’ are Life-Changing Instantly!” 

David Cooper

America's Income Trainer - 3,000,000+ attendees to David's seminars.

“Larry’s profound Releasing The-Lion revelations enable and inspire us toward Peak-Performance from a Realm that is ‘Farther Back and Higher Up’ than we have ever been.” 

Jim Wulfeck

Management Consultant to over 40 major companies worldwide

Join the Community of Released-LIONS,  where HEART-Seekers become HEART-Teachers, whose Learning Passion and Sharing grows from one day to the next. 

You may be stunned to discover the Power of The-Vision in Your-Own-HEART and the impact coming from a Family of Released-LIONS from their Left-Brain-Cages.