About Us
Our Vision
A Call To Come HOME
Rediscovering the heart and releasing the lion is a call to come ‘home.’
You were meant to roar and soar, and deep inside, you know it. You have had your gift since conception, and now is the time to unpack it.
In our community, you reconnect with what truly matters—your heart, your purpose, and your passion—and rediscover who you really are. It’s about unlocking your genius and learning to live authentically—from a place of passion, compassion, grace and genuine hope.
Through insights from ancient wisdom, nature, science, meditation, creative exploration, and practical application, you’ll experience a transformation that isn’t something you force or achieve—but something that happens naturally as your heart absorbs these teachings.
This life-changing journey invites you to experience authentic transformation—one that doesn’t come from striving, but from naturally unfolding as you embrace your true self.
Arise, and Shine, and find rest for Your-Soul.

Embrace The-Vision of Your-Future
Our Purpose
Our purpose at the Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute is to Rediscover Our-Lost Language of The-HEART and to learn to use our most Innate God-Given Ability – to SEE with The Eyes of The-HEART: The IMAGE-Maker.
In order to Learn to Live From The-HEART we need to Rediscover WHAT The-HEART is, WHAT The-HEART Does, What Language The-HEART Speaks, WHERE The-HEART is and HOW to Get TO The-HEART.
Once you were fluent in The Language of The-HEART. It is never too late to Relearn the Language of Our-Birth.

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ALL of Life proves EVERYTHING Begins with an IMAGE; No IMAGE, No Beginning. Obvious, Simple, and Undeniable, though denied.
“And the Lord God IMAGED Man from the Dust” . . . What The-Father IMAGED in His HEART, He sculptured with His hands; an External form that matched His Internal IMAGE.
By replacing the imagination with The- IMAGE-Maker we exercise a “Quantum Leap” in understanding totally faithful to the authentic MEANING.
IMAGE-Maker is the most appropriate name as it accurately describes HOW The-HEART Functions: We make and form and shape the IMAGES we live our Life from.
In order to learn to Live from The-HEART as we are designed to, we have to learn how to use our IMAGE-Maker. It is life’s most important lesson!
Our purpose at the Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute is to Release The-LION from Left-Brain-OX domination so that we can learn to Live From The-HEART the way we are designed to live!
Larry: “I saw a place where HEART-Seekers connect and where we meet HEART to HEART and Face to Face.
The IMAGE of the Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute was emerging. But one thing was still missing.
One day I am pulling weeds in the garden, a wonderful meditative place and activity.
And all of a sudden I SEE: The IMAGE of The-LION and The-OX. Eureka! That’s IT!
This IMAGE is not a Symbol. This IMAGE is The-ISSUE. (Ez. 1:10; Eccl 10:2)
Larry’s wife Kim painted this beautiful IMAGE of The-LION and The-OX which has been our logo since then.

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Now, please understand . . . This is not merely about being Left or Right-Brained.
Unless you have had brain-surgery that severed your corpus collosum, you have both brain hemispheres connected to each other. It is simply that they are not identical twins, they are as different as The-LION and The-OX. They each have their own specific roles and features, and you are using them both all the time.
But . . . the role of the Right-Brain-LION has been misunderstood, underacknowledged, undervalued, ignored, ridiculed and even oppressed, while the role of the Left-Brain-OX has been revered and put on a pedestal.
It is about Rediscovering The-Purpose for having a HEART in the first place, so we can Live FROM The-HEART the way we were designed to live – as Released LIONS with HEARTS That SEE.
The-LION roared with The-Vision of the Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute where we become a LION-Family of HEART-Seekers, who yearn for Authentic Transformation.

Who We Are

The Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute
The Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute is a 501C3 Non-for-Profit learning institute.
The Releasing The-LION Syllabus is the center of the Institute.
It is NOT a book we read. It is NOT about accumulating Intellectual Knowledge. It is NOT a One-Time Motivational Seminar or Program we take . . .
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It is a LIFE-Time Learning Experience. The insights are best internalized in a HEART-Centered Learning Environment with multiple venues to study and share.
We present the insights in written form, online teachings, recordings, visual overview, meditations, applications, and worksheets.
Since it was founded in 2012, it has known several versions and layouts. The Releasing The-LION Membership has been recently updated with the latest technology and software.
We offer an annual membership, with a curriculum in three stages.
1. The first stage is an introductory module of five insights. It brings us “Back to the-Beginning: Finding The Ancient-Path.” It lays the foundation for the Release of Our-LIONS.
2. The next stage “Unlocking The Cage” is the next level, with an additional 40 insights in 4 modules, that allow us to “Build A LION’S Life.” It is designed to nurture and feed and release our “Starved and Caged LIONS.”
3. The third stage, “Claiming Our Birth-Right,” comes with an additional 40 insights in 4 modules. In this level we take Our-LIONS “Farther-Back and Higher-Up” than we have ever been, into the Inner-Realm where our Spirit lives. With The Eyes of Our-HEARTS now open and learning to SEE, we can begin to “Live The-LION’S Life.”
Living From The-HEART . . .
A Place . . . A Path . . . A Goal . . .

Larry Napier
Founder of The Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute. Teacher, Seeker
In January 1984, Larry “Woke Up” with the assignment to study The-HEART. He has taught how The-HEART SEES for almost 40 years. He has helped thousands of people to Learn to SEE by unlocking their IMAGE-Maker.
Larry’s gift as a teacher and mentor, with decades of meditation, focus on Ancient-Hebrew, and Imagination of The-HEART, will open revelation and vision inside Your-HEART that can change YOUR-Life forever.
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Larry graduated from Lipscomb University, Nashville TN in 1964 with a double major in speech and Psychology. His learning diet for the first seven years after graduation focused on Think and Grow Rich, Psycho-Cybernetics, The Magic Power of Believing and the increasing stream of “Self-Help-Books” that began to appear in the late sixties.
After his wake up call in 1984, Larry began teaching “Rediscovery of The-HEART” Seminars across North America in 1988. He has also conducted seminars in Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and in Israel, his spiritual homeland. Larry has shared the platform with world renowned motivational gurus and teachers including Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, David Cooper, and Dr. Alex Loyd.
His unique understanding of the Hebrew-HEART has enabled Larry to contribute as a Branding Mentor and marketing word-smith to businesses and political campaigns with messages that capture the Hearts of consumers.
These insights prompted the founding of The Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute in 2012. Larry has personally mentored Best Selling Authors, PhD’s in Psychology, and Medical Doctors. His list of clients includes many bible teachers who have been in ministry from 20 to 40 years. Larry’s one requirement is that those that he mentors be willing to start over.
He has authored three Books to date; Releasing-The-LION, Learning How To LEARN at the Speed of Light, and what The-Singing-Prophet Saw.
Larry’s greatest claim to fame is his 60 years of marriage to his wife Kim, four children and 12 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

Thea Benny
"Midwife" of The Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute, teacher, seeker
As long as Thea can remember, she was looking for answers to questions about Life. During nursing school her interest in alternative modules of healing was ignited. She became an intensive seeker, feeling that somewhere there must be the key to the mystery called “LIFE.”
The world of the self-improvement knows endless variations on the theme. Thea started to devour books, programs, and attended numerous seminars. 30 years later she found herself with a head full of information and an impoverished HEART.
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Larry Napier and the Rediscovery of The-HEART changed everything. The insights he shares from years of studying the Ancient-Hebrew HEART challenged “The-Left-Brain-OX” in us, simply because they are not directed to The-OX, but are designed for The-LION-Genius inside us.
The Rediscovery of The-HEART was an amazing Home-Coming-Experience to Thea. The relief came with the discovery that The-Soul cannot heal The-HEART and The-OX cannot Transform or ‘Improve’ itself.
Now Her-Starved-LION is feeding on Insights that have been waiting to be rediscovered since Ancient-Times. Insights that are life changing not because they teach you another technique or a new to-do-list’ but Wisdom that ignites The-HEART and causes us to SEE what can’t be seen.
Soon enough, Thea’s-LION started to soar. A lifelong insecurity had been replaced with a quiet confidence. Fears to speak out dissolved, reluctance to show up disappeared, and a tendence to hide herself was healed.
Thea did not changed her life . . . her life has been changed in a way she could not even imagine, from the inside out. Larry frequently roars, “HEART-Seekers become HEART-Teachers,” Thea is living proof that he is right.
The difference between Intellectual and Authentic Transformation is drastic.
Since Thea’s-LION has been released, she has discovered a purpose and passion for life and found her voice to share and express that purpose and passion with the world.
Larry and his insights Released Thea’s-LION. Together they gave birth to the Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute so they could help others to Release Their-LIONS.
Thea was born and raised in The Netherlands. She graduated in 1980 from “Windesheim Academy” in The Netherlands in Youth Wellfare Work.
In 1985 Thea came to Israel and in 1992 graduated from Hebrew University in Jerusalem as a RN.
Thea lives in Israel with her husband and three children.