What’s Your Language?

People often ask me in which language I think or dream. Being raised in The Netherlands and living there half of my life, my first verbal language is Dutch. 38 years ago I came to Israel, my primary language of communication became English until I learned enough...

New Year Resolutions Don’t Work

Why do New Year’s Resolutions Fail? Our problem in keeping our New Year’s Resolutions . . .  If you have ever made New Year’s Resolutions then you also know the frustration and discouragement of not living up to them. Maybe you abandoned the whole habit of making them...

The Purpose For Rediscovery of The-HEART

Why bother to Rediscover our HEARTS? What would be the purpose of it? How would it change our lives? Let me start with what it is not . . . The-Purpose is not to start to live from Our-HEART – because we already do. There is no other way to live THAN to live from...