Our long-time members may remember that many years ago, we found a song from “The Tenors” – “Lead with Your-HEART.” The song is absolutely beautiful. But we could not play it, because of one line: “lead with your heart, it is the one thing you can trust, it will always come from love.”

You see, that one line was exactly the problem.

Because Our-HEARTS is the ONE thing we can NOT trust.

Because Our-HEARTS do NOT always come from love . . .

Sometimes Our-HEARTS are confused.

Sometimes Our-HEARTS come from fear, anger, hatred, resentment, anxiety, envy, bitterness . . .

That is in fact a very Unsafe HEART.

Our-HEART is the control panel of everything we see, believe, and do.

So, we ALWAYS follow Our-HEART,  and we do whatever it tells us to do.  And Our-Head does not get a vote.

Everything is a “HEART Issue.” And Everything Starts In Our-HEARTS.

We cannot truly LIVE as long as we do not know What The-HEART is and Where it is. 

What Does That MEAN?

It means we need to Rediscover The-HEART

How to explain what Rediscovery of The-HEART is about?

  • It is Rediscovering who you REALLY are . . . 
  • It is like a Home-Coming Party!
  • It is Wonderful to Experience. 
  • It is Absolutely Life-Changing.
  • It is the Best-Gift you can give to yourself.  

It is Never TOO Late.

Don’t wait any longer . . . 

If you have not yet joined the NEW Membership, Act NOW.

It is Never TOO Late.

Don’t wait any longer . . . 

If you have not yet joined the NEW Membership, Act NOW.