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For several weeks I’m in the mood of early spring cleaning.
I love the process of getting into all corners, clean the cobwebs, sorting through stuff, determining what do I keep and what do I no longer need, and creating order.
I enjoy the feeling of refreshment, spaciousness, order, brightness and lightness, it is so rewarding.
Getting rid of stuff I no longer need, things that no longer serve me, feels like removing weight that I was unconsciously carrying.
And I cannot help myself but thinking how this applies to My-HEART.
How many “cobwebs and dust” do I carry in My-HEART? How many desires for things I don’t need? How many beliefs that at the time seemed appropriate, but really don’t serve me well. How many grudges, worries, disappointments are living in My-HEART?
They don’t pay rent, they don’t clean up, they don’t do anything useful, but occupy space and usurp my energy.
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They are a weight I have grown accustomed to, so I hardly pay attention, though they slow me down, they impact my work, they distract, usurp energy and cognitive bandwidth. They sometimes keep me awake at night, they affect my health, my relationships, my peace.
They tell me what I want, what I need, what to do . . . .
But they are imposters, fake identities, masks.
In other words, they are of no use.

The problem is, that they have been along for so long, that they are invisible to me. They feel like they are a part of me, that belongs to me, like my own skin.
But contrary to my skin, I do not really know what they are, where they are, what they are made of, where they come from, when they got established.
So, what do I do about them? How do I clean them up? Where are they hiding?
The Releasing The-LION journey is just about that. Handing us the key that unlocks the cage that has kept us captive, so we can reclaim our birthright: we were born to be free.

Free from the past, free to be authentic, free to experience peak-performance, free to find our voice, free to have genuine hope for the future, that does not need to be an endless replay of the past.
Rediscovering The-HEART with insights from Ancient-Hebrew Wisdom, Nature, Science, Spiritual Wisdom, Great Thinkers, Art, Health and Wellness, Authentic Meditation, and more, we learn first What The-HEART is, WHERE it is and how it functions. (No, it is NOT the physical pump-heart.)
One insight after the other we learn the language of Our-HEARTS, we learn to use “The-Eyes of The-HEART” and with it we become aware:
- Who we really are
- What we really believe
- How we see things
- Where we are
- How Our-HEARTS make decisions.
My first experience with the Rediscovery of The-HEART, now 15 years ago, brought a feeling of finally coming home, after at least two decades searching through all kind of self-help methods that eventually only left my frustrated. I share my story in “When My Lioness got Released.”
Now, you may think I am biased. Don’t take my word for it.
Listen to Sherryl, one of our students
“I have had many “ahhas” since late November when I joined you in the Rediscovery of the Heart Institute. I would just like to share some of those things with you.
To me at this point, the greatest discovery has been the whole idea of the “Heart” where every experience is stored and upon those experiences we react or respond. In addition, until we heal all of the false assumptions and ideas stored there we will continue to act upon what is in the heart even if that is not our intent.
After being involved (submerged actually, in a very good way) these last 7 months many changes have occurred, along with many ideas of what to do with what I now see. My life with my husband has changed for the better, not that it was bad before, but it is much more enriched, as we both have been involved in this movement and have been able to share the meaning of “Rediscovery of the Heart” and how it has brightened our lives. Being on the same page, as partners, in such an important connection, that cannot be measured, but is greatly felt.
Tom, my husband, says, “If it had not been for what we have learned from the “Rediscovery of the Heart Institute” and also from Alex; I would not have been able to deal with all the requirements and interactions it has taken to complete the design of this last house.” You see Tom is suffering from the beginning stages of Parkinson’s disease. Before his involvement with this movement, he was afraid to be alone and I had to be with him at all times. His left hand shakes, (of course he is left handed) causing it to be very difficult for him to draw plans. Sure he has his straight edges, curves etc. to follow, but printing all he has to print would be impossible if it were not for his medication and the support he now feels with a strong prayer life using what he has learned from this movement. He has completed the house and as we speak he is at the county submitting the plans, by him self. Tom’s entire career has been developing and designing communities in CA, AZ, and CO. His wife’s cancer took all of his savings (millions), since she could not be insured. This and the economy the last few years have been very difficult for him. As you can see, we have a very caring and strong man that now has some peace and excitement back in his life. Is he done? He says, “I am just getting started!” Is it hard at times? Of course it is. He wants to do more than he is able to do, but is also thankful for what he is now able to do.
I have always felt very blessed to be able to live my dream of becoming a teacher that began when I was in third grade. My career has been very rewarding, exciting and also exhausting, much of the time. But now that I retired, I felt a void in learning and growing, until I came across the understanding of the “heart.”
One of the main things that inspired me was how prayer and meditation was a key part of what we are about. This was a fit for me. Consequently, it has been very rewarding and thought provoking to emerge into the additional writings that have been shared with me during the mentorship. I have read nothing that goes against what I believe, but has sharpened and brought out the actions of those beliefs more and more. The new understanding I have of the “heart” has helped me heal experiences in the past, things within my family, in the neighborhood and my school, as I grew up. My quietness began in first grade when my teacher asked me not to sing with the other kids. I was to “act” like I was singing. I remember being called shy. Recently, I discovered where that began. It was when the school children, first grade also, were asked to sing for our new school dedication. When it was time to sing, I ran crying to my Mom, hiding behind her. Up until now I had not connected singing with my shyness. Once you are told you are shy, you live it! I have fought that all of my life.
So you can see, the journey continues. I am just grateful that I have been given these insights and skills that continue to help me move beyond many such things and gain more peace in my life.
So what to do with all of this? First, the goal is to share with everyone. Which seems to just happen. The next step is to continue to grow personally. Then I would like to share what I have discovered with teachers and principals, especially.
Thanks for all of your time, your sharing and your insights.”
Heart to Heart,
How does Sherryl’s story inspire YOU?
Liberating “Aha’s” can happen instantly, but it is not a magic wand. We have a lifetime of previous programming that we have accepted as true, because it feels familiar. And old habits die hard.
This is getting out of our comfort zone.
But it is so rewarding. The result is – like with my spring cleaning – refreshment, spaciousness, order, brightness and lightness.
As indeed, Ancient-Hebrew teaches us: “Verily verily, The Truth Will Set Us Free.”
The good news is that is it never too late!
Releasing The-LION is about Rediscovering our-HEARTS
Join us now, and get started to get your internal house in order, removing the dirt, the cobwebs , the old rusted stuff, all the things that don’t fit anymore.

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