Releasing The-LION Stories
What Our Students Say
“I realize that this year I have probably had more positive growth in my life than in all my 59 years. Why? Because a year ago I joined Rediscovery of The-HEART.”
Jeane, New Zealand.
“Learning this material is so needed and valuable.
It’s all about living life and understanding our value and purpose for our existence. This teaching benefits anybody.”
Dr. Frank Siliciano, O.D.
“What a world of potential for healing has been opened up. Thank you so much for sharing your insights. They are wonderful jewels.”
Gail Hendry, Australia
“When I met Larry I experienced something foreign to me that I couldn’t explain at the time. The Rediscovery of “The-HEART” Seminar provided the answer and Changed My Life Forever.”
Bob Emory, Entrepreneur
“Joining the Rediscovery of The Heart-Institute is one of the best decisions I have ever made.. One cannot truly understand the truth without knowing how to live from the heart.”
Jan Comeaux, Trauma Coach
“Having studied with Larry Napier, as well as being personally mentored by him has been such a blessing. Listen to his teachings, apply them in your life, and watch as you start living from the Heart, like never before…..”
Ron Casto, Pastoral Counselor
“Larry’s insights and teaching are original and profound. He opens up Ancient Hebrew words or IMAGES and Oh My! I realize I never truly saw it before, and I never heard anyone teach it this way.”
Judith White. English Teacher, Life Coach
“It is a huge experience to get deeper in the creation of new images and more importan, to get a hint of how the Image-Maker is used to create them, referring to my previous programming. All this material and meetings are a blessing to share.
Michael Hoopi, Sweden
“Our first exposure to Rediscovery of the Heart revolutionized our thinking about how the heart works and opened out eyes to a whole new level of understanding about ourselves and others.”
Rick & Sue McCoy, Marriage Mentors, Children’s Ministers
“This is so, so, so incredible and touching . . . this TRUTH about the Heart and all of the aspects of this movement. I have longed for this confirmation for so long, eithout even being able to put my finger on it, while always knowing something was missing. I finally get the missing piece of the puzzle thanks to people like you, Larry and Thea. Thank you!
Lisa Marie.
“The Rediscovery of The-HEART is a road map to discover the world we forgot existed. Our western mindset has erased the meaning and value of the imagination, the language of the heart, substituting facts and figures to produce what is already here. I found myself enthralled in the truths I saw, putting them into practice immediately, and reaping the rewards of seeing again. This is revolutionary.”
Steve Dittmar, Pastor
“My life with my husband has changed for the better, not that it was bad before, but it is much more enriched, as we both have been involved in this movement and have been able to share the meaning of “Rediscovery of the Heart” and how it has brightened our lives. Being on the same page, as partners, in such an important connection, that cannot be measured, but is greatly felt.”
Sherryl Valentine, Educator
“I have been spending time with my second grandchild who is about 20 months old. My experience is completely different from the first grandchild, because I am connecting with her heart to heart.”
Mary Jane
“The Rediscovery of The-HEART Institute opens new vistas of how we can consciously live our lives from The-HEART’s-Image-Maker. Experiencing Larry’s insights will challenge and bless you.”
Edd McGrath, Real Estate Developer
“Learning slowly …What the Heart is and Where it is and What Language it speaks from Larry and Rediscovery of The-Heart changed “everything” in my life, mostly in my relationships with my family, friends and co-workers.”
“Once I really ‘got’ what Larry Napier is teaching about The-Lion and The-Ox . . . once I embraced this Lifetime-Learning-Experience from The-HEART . . . every part of my life has taken off.”
Diane Eble; Life Coach, Editor
This Can Be YOUR Story.
We are waiting to hear from you.

You Were Meant To ROAR and SOAR, and Deep Inside You, You KNOW It.