It should be obvious that it is not about our physical eyes, but “The-Eyes of The-HEART.”
Just as babies need to learn to see and understand WHAT they see with their untrained physical eyes and inexperienced brain, we need to learn to SEE with The-Eyes of The-HEART.
At first, it will feel like entering a dark room, coming from a bright sunny day. The first few minutes we see nothing. We are “blinded” until our eyes start to adjust to the dark environment. Slowly we start to distinguish forms and shapes. It takes about 30 minutes for our eyes to fully adjust.
Similarly, it takes time to become aware of The-Eyes of The-HEART, understanding HOW and WHAT we SEE.
It is a process, and given the time, a highly rewarding one.

Since your IMAGE-Maker is working ALL the time, and the source of everything you do . . . learning to understand and use it properly is the most important skill you will ever learn in your entire life.

Learn To SEE With The Eyes of Your-HEART
It is Never TOO Late.
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